The University of Texas at Dallas
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Your gift will allow the Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives to fulfill its essential mission — to enhance the academic relationship and understanding between UT Dallas students and faculty with their Latin American counterparts, using an interdisciplinary approach to focus on international education, research, and public service programs to support the University’s mission in producing engaged graduates who are prepared for life and leadership in a constantly changing world.

Make a Gift

Ways to Give

The Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives welcomes contributions of all sizes and in several forms, including cash, appreciated securities, credit card, payroll deduction and in-kind gifts. Please choose from one of the options below or contact the Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 972-883-2295 for more information.

To Make a Gift Online

To make a financial gift online, please visit our online page.

To Make a Gift by Mail

Please send a check payable to UT Dallas to:

The Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives (CUSLAI)

The University of Texas at Dallas

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology, ATC10

800 W. Campbell Road

Richardson, TX 75080-3021

To Make a Gift by Phone (via Credit Card)

Please contact: The Office of Development and Alumni Relations, 972-883-2295

Matching Gifts

Leverage the impact of your support through your company’s matching gift program.

Giving Societies

UT Dallas has created recognition societies to celebrate and thank loyal supporters. Donors to the Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives are eligible for membership. A gift at any level makes a difference.

Planned Gifts

Consider including a bequest to the Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives in your will or trust, retaining control of your assets during your lifetime. Or, take advantage of appreciated securities without incurring capital gains tax.

To further discuss opportunities for supporting the center’s work, please contact Holly Hull Miori at 972-883-4119.

Gifts to the Center for U.S.-Latin America Initiatives are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The University of Texas at Dallas

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology

800 W. Campbell Road, ATC (3.213)

Richardson, TX 75080-3021