Upcoming Events
Thursday, April 11 at 3:00 pm
CUSLAI’s second annual Hispanx/Latinx Film Festival will kick off Thursday, April 11 at 3:00 pm in the ATC Courtyard, featuring films from Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Argentina. CUSLAI is the proud recipient of the Spanish Film Club Grant for the second year in a row provided by Pragda, Spain Arts and Culture, and the Secretary for Culture of Spain. The purpose of the event is to be able to showcase Spanish and Latin American cinema that, outside of a few well-known exceptions, are rarely or never seen in North America. As the Center for US-Latin America Initiatives, it is important to highlight works throughout many Latin American territories, sharing the richness in stories and culture. The grant covers 40 percent of the cost of five films selected from Pragda’s large roster of short and long feature films. Founded in New York, Pragda is a well-known Latin American and Spanish film distributor. The entity specializes in renting movies and organizing film festivals for universities within the United States and abroad. Their exclusive list of grant recipients includes Boston University, Kings College of London, Rutgers University, The Ohio State University, and The University of Texas at Austin, among many others. In addition to granting us distribution rights, Pragda also provides an online platform through which we will screen our final film of the two-day festival online throughout the evening on Friday, April 12.